LEnten Challenge

Lent is a time for going more deeply into Christian Discipleship.   It is a season for increased devotion to Christ that lends itself to worship, prayer, study, and introspection.  Something is just not right if Christian people are not in church and engaged in Christian discipleship during Lent.   Here are three opportunities for you and your family to deepen your relationship with Christ during Lent.


Daily Scripture Reading - 40 Days in the Pauline Epistles

Please join us by phone each morning of Lent (begins March 1st) from 6:00am - 6:30am for a reading of Paul's letters.   Dial-in Number:  712-432-0370.  Access Code:  503009, followed by the # key.


Weekly Community Worship at Noon - Free bag lunch

On Tuesdays, beginning March 7th,  all are welcome to a community worship service at Kemble from Noon to 12:30p.m.,   featuring prayer, music, and video presentations by Adam Hamilton, author of "CREED:  What Christians Believe and Why".  A free bag lunch is provided after the service, and babysitting is available in our Nursery (registration preferred)  


Lenten Bible Study

All are welcome to attend a Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries Lenten Bible Study held on Tuesday Evenings, Beginning March 7th, from 7:00pm - 8:00pm at the Presbyterian Church at Woodbury.   Registrants will receive the study book by Adam Hamilton: "CREED: What Christians Believe and Why".  You must register to receive your book.